Flower Mountain Acupuncture

Our Location
959 Merrimon Ave
Ste 204
Asheville, NC 28804
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Flower Mountain Acupuncture

About Our Acupuncturist
Chris Jacobs L.Ac.
Chris Jacobs practices Classical Chinese Medicine taught by lineage holder Jeffrey Yuen. Chris has been involved in the field of herbal medicine since the mid 90's. His uncle owned an herb company selling herbs from peru including Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa), and Maca (Lepidium meyenii). After moving to Asheville he studied at the Appalachian School of Holistic Herbalism in 2006, the Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine in 2007 and completed his Masters in Chinese Herbal Medicine from Daoist Traditions in2012. After graduation Chris spent a month traveling across China visiting Chinese Medicine Hospitals and Flower Mountain (Hua Shan). Chris practiced at Asheville Community Acupuncture from 2013-2017. In 2014 Chris joined Mission Hospital as an Acupuncturist and continues to serve as part of Mission Health's Wellness Program. Chris has performed more than 5000 treatments on a wide variety of conditions. Chris serves on the board of directors for Plants and Healers International a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to connecting people to plants and traditional healing methods around the globe. Chris uses life coaching, herbal medicine, acupuncture, cupping and massage to bring his patients back to healthy balance. Specializing in pain, trauma, psycho-emotional conditions and pediatrics. Chris really likes to dive down deep to the underlying roots causing many of our ailments. What is illness trying to teach us?
Our Mission
Our Mission at Flower Mountain Acupuncture is to provide affordable, safe and effective Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine and Natural Health Care for our Community. We serve residents and visitors to Asheville, Brevard and Western North Carolina. Our focus is to support you and keep you in the best health possible. We are pain specialists. Acupuncture is one of the best drug-free pain relief techniques. Acupuncture also helps prevent injury and illness. By keeping our energy in balance we can avoid the pitfalls of disease.
Common Issues We Treat
Back Pain, Knee Pain, Elbow Pain, Shoulder Pain, Foot and Ankle Pain, Post Surgical Pain, Labor Pain, Mensural Pain, Digestive Pain, Muscle Pain, Post Work-Out Pain, Sciatica, Migraines, Headaches
OsteoArthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Frozen Shoulder
Reproductive Health
Mensural Cramps, Mensural irregularly, Fertility, Labor pain, Labor Induction, Breech Correction
Digestive Issues
Indigestion, GERD, Reflux, Constipation, Food Allergies/Sensitivities
Smoking Cessation, Food Addiction Support, Opiate Recovery
Asthma, Seasonal Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis, COPD support
Mental Health
Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, ADD, ADHD, Stress, Grief and Loss Support, Trauma Relief, Emotional Detox, Ancestral Healing

Sliding Scale
We offer all of our treatments on a sliding scale. This means you pay what you can when you see us. We try to provide the highest quality peronalized care that is affordable to people from all income levels.
Price of Acupuncture sessions
Initial acupuncture treatment
On your first session your practioner to review your health history, medications and supplements. Then you will receive an acupuncture treatment. 60 minutes with your practitioner

What people have said about us
Wonderful experience!!!! I received much more than I expected; I didn’t understand before why I was having an intense pain on my back; Christian explained to me everything so clear that I felt I was in the right place for the first time. I feel very confident that he is going to help me ease my pain and I am very grateful for this. The attention and time they dedicated to me is very rare nowadays. Thank you Christian for your dedication and integrity.
Not your average Acupuncturist. I have been seeing Chris Jacobs at ACA. I continued to be amazed with his skills, knowledge and insight. He has remedied issues that no other health practitioner was able to do. He asks the right questions, and proposes the right answers. I wouldn’t have thought such a young man could be so wise, but OMG, he is truly a healer! I am beyond impressed…and so grateful that I found him.
Even Better than Imagined. This was my first acupuncture experience. I sat down with Chris and expressed my concerns. He explained everything and made it simple to understand and had a great disposition and eased my anxiety. I have not relaxed that much in a long time and I will definitely continue treatment here for obvious reasons. Thank you so much for plugging me back into life!
Great treatment! I started acupuncture because of lower back pain. In my first visit, the acupuncturist Chris Jacobs identified a connection between my back pain and an old injury from 20 years ago. I noticed results after my first treatment.
Excellent! Chris treated me for a severe rash / allergic reaction spreading on my feet and gave me insight to potential reasons why this is reoccurring for me. Hours later the reaction had subsided and the day later almost gone. Thank you so much Chris.
Had a couple great sessions with Chris. He has an exceptional knack for getting the overall picture and putting it in context. Just talking to him for 5 minutes was healing. The treatments were deeply nourishing and settling. Finally, the herbs he recommended started to help my symptoms within 12 hours. I’m deeply grateful!
Chris spent quite a bit of the visit re-examining my back while treating me. He was very thorough, but it’s the results that count. I went in very uncomfortable, came out after one visit MUCH more comfortable. Big help, though I suspect I’ll need more before I transition to maintenance like my previous 2 decades of life in and out with acupuncture.
My three year old actually left smiling! What an amazing interaction! My three year old daughter came in very clingy and unsure. Chris used such gentleness and also drew from his creative side. He brought in a sick Teddy and asked her to help him with the”magic” letting her insert needles into Teddy and making him feel better! This opened her up to receiving the magic herself. Highly recommended!! P.S. he’s great with adults too.
Chris is absolutely amazing. He has helped me through a very challenging year of medical issues. I am profoundly grateful for the loving care and his expertise through this very rough patch in my life. He goes above and beyond and has taken care of all of my family. We are all so lucky to have such a wise healer in Asheville. It is one of my favorite places to be and Holly is a big part of the wonderful experience as well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

About Acupuncture
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the medical practice of using small needles to stimulate the movement of energy (qi) in the body. An acupuncturist might also incorporate other techniques to build or disperse energy like: Cupping, Massage, Gua Sha (Scraping), Moxabustion (the burning of mugwort to warm up the body), etc.
What is qi?
Qi is simply energy. The meaning of the Chinese character for qi 氣 simply translates to: the energy that is contained with in a single grain of rice. Carbohydrates which are found in rice are chains of carbon atoms that are glued together by energy that the rice plant gathers from the sun. When we eat rice we break down the carbon chains and free the energy to power our body. The whole world around us is powered by qi. Our sun rains qi down on us everyday in the form of heat and light. It is both mundane and mysterious,
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Pain is an incredibly relative experience. Each of us react to positive and negative stimulation differently. For the most part acupuncture is relatively painless. Most peoples experience of needles are shots at the doctor. Acupuncture needles are far smaller than syringes that doctors use. Most people may feel a slight prick sensation at the surface of the skin. Usually any discomfort if there is any fades quickly. The true sensations that are felt during acupuncture are a bit more difficult to describe. Many people feel sensations like tingling, electrical sensations, pressure, temperature changes, warm fuzzy feelings, etc. Most of these sensations dissipate quickly. Once the needles are in most people feel a strong sense of relaxation and many people even fall asleep during treatment.
Do you guarantee results?
No medical modality can guarantee results. Many of our patients have seen a change in their health by receiving regular acupuncture. Results may vary. People who receive the best results also do their homework. Change often requires a change of lifestyle to meet your imbalances at the source. Feel free to check out reviews below to see what our patients are saying about our care.