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Flower Mountain Blog

Spring brings the medicines we need to cleanse

Posted by:
Chris Jacobs
April 14, 2019
Every year I play close attention to what plants come out at different times of the year. If you watch closely there is a perfect order in the world. Plants pop up that contain the medicines we need to maintain our health. Spring is the perfect time to watch the plants burst forth from the soil after each rain. According to Chinese Medicine spring time is influenced by the Wood element. Wood should probably be translated as sprouting energy. It is the energy of upward movement and growth. Like a tiny seed sprouting and pushing through all the stones and soil to pop out of the ground. We should mimic the plants in the spring and begin to leave our houses and move our bodies. We should be moving forward on our dreams and visions for the year. Did you want to start a new hobby this year? Perhaps you want to plant a garden? Now is the time to move forward and make it happen. We have many great plant medicines that can support us in this season.

When we move from the more dormant winter time into spring we have to clear out all the stagnation that has accumulated. Winter is a time for slowing down for being inside more. The weather is generally drier and colder. We use heaters to protect us form the cold drying us out further. This dryness and lack of movement builds more stagnation in our bodies. Phlegm and other metabolic waste gets stuck in our tissues. Worry not because many plants have sprouted to the rescue.



Chickweed – Stellaria media


Spring green super star with its star shaped white flowers starts poking though the soil just after the snow melts and sticks around till summers heat. This abundant green is called a weed by man and cast aside. Maybe we should feast on this amazing medicine when we weed our gardens making full use of all this herb has to offer.

Chickweed helps to nourish the body while gently rehydrating the cellular level. It helps to gently flush out the toxins that winter left behind. As with many wild foods it is rich in minerals and micronutrients. Very alkaline to the body helping to reduce inflammation.

One way you can know for sure that you have Chickweed is to look closely at the stem and you will find a single row of hairs. This row will rotate at each leaf node. Once you learn this trick you will never forget it.




Dandelion – Taraxacum officinale

This plant is enemy number 1 of a perfect green lawn. So much so people are willing to pour carcinogenic chemicals to keep it out. Hmmm life is peculiar isn’t it. You pour carcinogens on a plant that just might save your life?

The humble yellow dandelion. I am sure we have blown its seeds into the wind as a child. We see it begin to pop out in the early spring reflecting the golden spring sun with its tender petals. In botanical terms most of its petals are called Ray Flowers. Many do not realize but when you are looking at a dandelion you are looking at one of the most advanced plants on earth. It has even learned to fly and therefore exists on just about every piece of earth that is warm enough to host it. The dandelion is a member of the composite family which means that its flower is actually many many flowers joined into one blossom.

Dandelion means Tooth of the Lion. This spring green helps detoxify the liver. If the liver is congested and inflamed we tend to buy frustrated and angry. We bite people with our words. Maybe we should pay attention to the law of signatures and take in the tooth of the lion to soften our bite.

Dandelion is used in Chinese medicine to clear toxic heat. Mostly from the liver but also the skin. Unlike violet its main function of clearing stagnation is through draining downward. It can help clear the bowels and will increase urinary flow to help detoxify.


As a food I simply love to eat the flowers. They have just a little bit of sweet followed by a little bitter. Bitter is the medicine we need to help us drain heat and inflammation. My teacher Frank Cook often said maybe if people ate more bitter foods they could tolerate the bitterness of life and see the good in it all.




Violet – Viola sp.

This lovely little purple flower grows in lawns looking almost like a tiny orchid. Stop bend down and appreciate the beauty of this humble flower. Notice the heart shaped leaves (Cordate for you botany geeks).

Many may overlook this little botanical wonder missing on its incredible medicine. Violet has been used in Chinese medicine for millennia. It has a slight mucilaginous quality almost like aloe. Its medicine is gently rehydrating the body, both the tissues and the blood. It is incredible for the skin. Acne, deep rooted sores can be cleared by topical and internal use. Acne is seen in Chinese medicine as stagnation of toxins deep in the body venting to the surface. This moistening action is what help clear toxins from deeper levels. It also has a cool action relieving inflammation

Whats amazing about this herb is there are really no side effects. It is so safe children can eat it. It is truly a healing food.



Even Bodhi loves his dandelion flowers!

These are just a couple of the rising spring greens for you to learn. There are so many green friends out there to so much free potent medicine to share. It is important for all of us to learn these special foods that are all around us. Our ancestors ate a much more diverese array of plants then we do. We are missing out on all the preventative medicines contained in them. It is time to bring the medicine back into your daily life.


Eat something Wild everyday!


As with all these plants and wild foods it is very important to confirm what species you have found with someone who is experienced as you begin to learn. We at Flower Mountain Acupuncture can help you identify many local herbs, wild foods and mushrooms. Feel to reach out to us on Facebook or by email.

Every year I play close attention to what plants come out at different times of the year. If you watch closely there is a perfect order in the world. Plants pop up that contain the medicines we need to maintain our health. Spring is the perfect time to watch the plants burst forth from the soil after each rain. According to Chinese Medicine spring time is influenced by the Wood element. Wood should probably be translated as sprouting energy. It is the energy of upward movement and growth. Like a tiny seed sprouting and pushing through all the stones and soil to pop out of the ground. We should mimic the plants in the spring and begin to leave our houses and move our bodies. We should be moving forward on our dreams and visions for the year. Did you want to start a new hobby this year? Perhaps you want to plant a garden? Now is the time to move forward and make it happen. We have many great plant medicines that can support us in this season.

When we move from the more dormant winter time into spring we have to clear out all the stagnation that has accumulated. Winter is a time for slowing down for being inside more. The weather is generally drier and colder. We use heaters to protect us form the cold drying us out further. This dryness and lack of movement builds more stagnation in our bodies. Phlegm and other metabolic waste gets stuck in our tissues. Worry not because many plants have sprouted to the rescue.



Chickweed – Stellaria media


Spring green super star with its star shaped white flowers starts poking though the soil just after the snow melts and sticks around till summers heat. This abundant green is called a weed by man and cast aside. Maybe we should feast on this amazing medicine when we weed our gardens making full use of all this herb has to offer.

Chickweed helps to nourish the body while gently rehydrating the cellular level. It helps to gently flush out the toxins that winter left behind. As with many wild foods it is rich in minerals and micronutrients. Very alkaline to the body helping to reduce inflammation.

One way you can know for sure that you have Chickweed is to look closely at the stem and you will find a single row of hairs. This row will rotate at each leaf node. Once you learn this trick you will never forget it.




Violet – Viola sp.

This lovely little purple flower grows in lawns looking almost like a tiny orchid. Stop bend down and appreciate the beauty of this humble flower. Notice the heart shaped leaves (Cordate for you botany geeks).

Many may overlook this little botanical wonder missing on its incredible medicine. Violet has been used in Chinese medicine for millennia. It has a slight mucilaginous quality almost like aloe. Its medicine is gently rehydrating the body, both the tissues and the blood. It is incredible for the skin. Acne, deep rooted sores can be cleared by topical and internal use. Acne is seen in Chinese medicine as stagnation of toxins deep in the body venting to the surface. This moistening action is what help clear toxins from deeper levels. It also has a cool action relieving inflammation

Whats amazing about this herb is there are really no side effects. It is so safe children can eat it. It is truly a healing food.



Dandelion – Taraxacum officinale

This plant is enemy number 1 of a perfect green lawn. So much so people are willing to pour carcinogenic chemicals to keep it out. Hmmm life is peculiar isn’t it. You pour carcinogens on a plant that just might save your life?

The humble yellow dandelion. I am sure we have blown its seeds into the wind as a child. We see it begin to pop out in the early spring reflecting the golden spring sun with its tender petals. In botanical terms most of its petals are called Ray Flowers. Many do not realize but when you are looking at a dandelion you are looking at one of the most advanced plants on earth. It has even learned to fly and therefore exists on just about every piece of earth that is warm enough to host it. The dandelion is a member of the composite family which means that its flower is actually many many flowers joined into one blossom.

Dandelion means Tooth of the Lion. This spring green helps detoxify the liver. If the liver is congested and inflamed we tend to buy frustrated and angry. We bite people with our words. Maybe we should pay attention to the law of signatures and take in the tooth of the lion to soften our bite.

Dandelion is used in Chinese medicine to clear toxic heat. Mostly from the liver but also the skin. Unlike violet its main function of clearing stagnation is through draining downward. It can help clear the bowels and will increase urinary flow to help detoxify.


As a food I simply love to eat the flowers. They have just a little bit of sweet followed by a little bitter. Bitter is the medicine we need to help us drain heat and inflammation. My teacher Frank Cook often said maybe if people ate more bitter foods they could tolerate the bitterness of life and see the good in it all.




Even Bodhi loves his dandelion flowers!

These are just a couple of the rising spring greens for you to learn. There are so many green friends out there to so much free potent medicine to share. It is important for all of us to learn these special foods that are all around us. Our ancestors ate a much more diverese array of plants then we do. We are missing out on all the preventative medicines contained in them. It is time to bring the medicine back into your daily life.


Eat something Wild everyday!


As with all these plants and wild foods it is very important to confirm what species you have found with someone who is experienced as you begin to learn. We at Flower Mountain Acupuncture can help you identify many local herbs, wild foods and mushrooms. Feel to reach out to us on Facebook or by email.